
Citiport is a website which combines locals and travellers together.
The website is created by people all around the world. We want to record the real things in every city. After I came back from Turkey, I think we should have a platform to share, to communication and to learn the local cultures. Thus, citiport is born. I sincerely invite everyone to join us. Share your special experience with everyone. The followings are simple user guide. Please take a look when you have free time. Citiport is still tested now.

New destination/ New delicious/ Cool stuff/ New event

Click the bar at the top of the main page for the NEW and fresh items. 

Join Citiport & Login

It is simple! 
Sign up by clicking the above link. 
To create an account, fill up the form with the following details:  
Email, Password and Languages you can accept. After that, you become a Citiport citizen!

You can login to Citiport anytime by clicking

reate your own city

Can’t find your own city? 
Let’s create it. It is easy! 
Enter the following: 
City name, Country name, Continent, Native language in this city.
Click “OK” and your city will be created.

 Visit Cities being created

There are a great collection of different countries and regions of the world to be chosen among.

There are 2 ways : 
-          Click the cities under Cities being created. 
-          Click the City Browser, choose the continent, country, or region 

In the page of country/ region, you can explore the place by clicking the titles or by the “Interest” category (Event/ Culture/ Experience/ Neighbourhood/ Entertainment/ Health/ Sights/ Sleeping/ Shopping/ Drinking/ Eating/ Others ). 

Contribute an article!

This is the most important thing here. To SHARE your perspectives on any countries/ regions!  It can be a place you live in, or a place that you have been to.  

Write, or post photos, or both!

Write about sights/ food/ culture etc. that you want to share. You can upload as much photos as you like. 

Others can add their writing and photos under the topic you have created. Everyone can contribute and make the article helpful and user-friendly! It is amazing!  

Function - Review and message 


In each of the page for country/ region, you can rate the articles and add your own comments.

Ratings range from 0 to 10. Rankings are to be analyzed. The right column will show several statistics: Ranking by all users, ranking by being locals, and rankings by those who have been there. 

This can be recognition to the contributor, as well as a recommendation to the other travelers.  

Function - Locals

In each of the page for country/region, who are the locals? 
They are shown by the column on the right hand side.
Login and click  I am a (your place) local
on the right hand side. 
Register to be the locals to exchange your own traveling tips & make friends! 

Function – Discussion in Forum

Under each item in a region, there is a forum. You can throw a discussion there.
It is to be distinguished from the articles on the left column. 
Articles – Hard data and self experience 
Forum discussion – Questions and Miscellaneous Messages- Ask for further information, explanation, suggestions and announcements 
Reply Existing Topics

Click into existing topics, and click Reply this subject 

Start a New Topic

Click more topics, and then choose New topic and then type the Subject and Message. 

Your profile page
Login to Citiport. 
You will see the link to your own profile at the top bar. 
Edit your profile with photos for more fun, more networks!

Function - “Follow” 
Wanna know how’s your friend doing, and what places they are interested to go, and places they have visited? This “Follow” function will help. 

What can you do in this page:  

      -          All sights and destinations that are reviewed by your friend 
“Follow” your friend/ see who is “following” your friend 
-          Leave your friend a message

For any enquiries, please feel free to contact me.



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