
The third person is Nozomi, but we often call her nickname, No-So. She studies her sophomore year in Kyoto University now. Actually, this is also my first time to meet her. She told me that she had been to Taiwan before and met some MCLC members. That’s the reason why she wanted to meet me in Kyoto. We discussed a lot of beautiful spots in Taiwan, such as Taipei101, National Palace Museum. It seemed that she just came back from Taipei yesterday.

Yutaka, Yukiko and she became my tour guide during my trip in Kyoto. Yukiko is another second-grade student. She had visited MCLC in Taiwan last year. That’s so-called study tour program, which is a connection between Kyoto University and Ming-Chuang University. They have the traditional exchange program to visit each other every year, so Yukiko went to Taiwan. I’m very happy to meet her in Kyoto again. The feeling is very special and familiar.

We went to Kyoto University together. There were still many students on the campus. No-So told me that now is their final exam week. Kyoto University is a very old school in Japan. When I entered the gate, there was a building in front of me. It looked like Taiwan President Palace. One high clock tower was located in the middle of the building. After their explanation, I knew that that is a centennial hall for Kyoto University. I liked their souvenir shop inside the building. There were a variety of products, such as cups, clothes, among others, but the most impressive one is Kyoto University Chocolate. I didn’t see such kind of chocolates before. It’s very creative for me.


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