「想,就勇敢去做吧!」這不是一句口號,而是一個夢想。十年的旅行生活,走過美國、歐洲、中東及亞洲各國,留下了超過一千篇文章,五萬張照片以及近百萬字的字跡。從國際志工、交換學生、馬祖服役、海外出差及自助旅行,這是成長的軌跡,也是謙卑的學習。世界很大,海很藍,趁著年輕去旅行吧! 粉絲團: 轉個彎旅行

目前分類:台大生活 (21)

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5/19(一)18:30 與蝶共舞─法藍瓷躍上國際舞台 博理館101 邀請法蘭瓷總裁陳立恆先生蒞臨分享創立法蘭瓷的過程,以及台灣文化創意產業之展望。 ASES
5/20~5/22中午 幸福宅即便 愛心到緬甸 鹿鳴廣場

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        Four people and one dog sit on the grass. This is a scene many people can see on the American movies. Today, here is not the U.S. but NTU campus. In front of the library, there is one large lawn. Some people take a nap, facing the blue sky. Some people gather together and chat with each other leisurely. This is the youthhood when you can have many dreams. Because we are still young, we have much power and energy to explore the colorful world. Whoever you are, you can find a unique position in the society.  
       In my opinion, university is a important stage of life. It's a place where you can learn, try and make mistakes. You are a student so you have the rights to know more. Ther are three importand credits of university. One is schoolwork, one is extracurricular activity and the other is love. They compose a sound person. However, you can't own all of them at the same time easily. Patience, absorption, enthusiasm are some special characteristics for a successful student. I think all credits are necessary and the most important one is doing what you want to do and sticking it out.. 

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  • Jan 17 Wed 2007 21:14
  • Farm

        There is one small farm near NTU library. Everytime I walked to here, I always remember my grandfather's farm and my childhood. I rode my old bicycle and felt the wind through my face. Friends~~there is one farm on the campus.  Maybe you can visit there next time and enjoy the different life.

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  • Dec 28 Thu 2006 00:10
  • Corner

                                  Corner near library

         Yesterday when I left the library, I took my camera and found this corner. It's located in the right side of library  where you can see FamilyMart. Although it's just a corner, I still like the feeling,especially the three lights. How do you feel?

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                                    Emblem on the ground 
        Walking in the campus, you can find something special. Recently, I took a walk near the Fu bell and found a bright symbol on the ground. I felt very surprised when I knew it's a school emblem. You can also see the bricks surrounded it. The above sentence means National Taiwan University and the below sentence is our motto, "Cultivate virtue, advance intellect; love one's country, love one's people." Inside the emblem is Fu bell. It rings hourly to remind students of their daily routine and orderly life, so that whenever they hear the bell they may feel alert and study hard. How interesting! By the way,the University Emblem was created during President Chao-chung Yu's tenure as University president on November 15, 1982.  It has already been existed in school for more than 20 years.

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                                               the Scotch
        Taiwan University is an international school. You can meet a lot of foreigners here. Some are exchange students and some are tourists. Today I met one family from Scotland. Their son is a exchange student in NTU and their parents visited him here. I felt very unusual and interested. After chatting with them, I found that they will celebrate their Christmas here and then go back to the Scotland. Hope they would have a happy time and merry Christmas~~~                              

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                                                   Pool in NTU 
        In front of Administration Building, it is one pool over there. Tonight I walked through it at 5pm. It's about to turn dark and the streetlamps lit up. I felt very beautiful at that moment and took this picture.

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                                               Japanese Test in NTU
        Regarding as NTU, the one feature is its reputation and another is its large campus. NTU is located in  KungGua district, Taipei city. There are various shops on the street. Every weekend, many people often hang around here and have fun with their friends. Because of the convenient transporation, NTU become a place where can satisfy different people. If you like shopping, KungGua district is your choice; if you like walking, the beautiful campus is also your best option. Moreover, you can find an interesting function, examination rooms. No matter whcih kind of examination, you can always find one of the assigned test place is here, so is Japanese Language Test. I joined the test this year, and took the above photo from top to buttom. You can see many people wait for their friends or family outside. Coincidentally, they formed two rough circles. With the two tree, can you use your creativity to imagine it? It's like a symbol, .

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                                                    NTU Library
        In the end of coco avenue, it's the NTU Library, where you can meet many diligent students. NTU library was founded in 1924 and the above building was built in 1998. Nowadays, it become a famous landmark in the campus. Regarding the interior design, it goes without saying that you can find various books inside. When you enter the library, the lobby will come to your eyes. I really like here. It gives me a wide view and magnificent feeling; therefore, I'd like to stay here and read some books. There are tens of thounsands of books inside. If you have free time, welcome to visit it. It you have any identification card, the library door is always open for you. http://www.lib.ntu.edu.tw/

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                                                 The beauty in NTU
        11/25 is a NTU garden party for the anniversary celebration. I found a very interesting person on the road. She is the model of Nescafe. You see the picture. How creative~ It's a alive advertisement or promotion. Many people looked at her and took photos together. I also pressed the shutter when she smiled.

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                                 The sky of NTU
        The sky is blue with white clouds. On the street grow the most famous tree, coco. Therefore, the road is named by those trees, called coco avenue. It's the main road in the campus. You can always see many students walked or rided their bycycles. Everyone seems busy but it's the way to success. You should learn more then understand more.  There is one way to the end. If you don't like go straight, you could make a turn and go to small lanes. Finally, you can arrive at the destination even if you take much time than other people. Who cares? We are also on the wonderful place and enjoy the sky of NTU, the sky of life.

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                        College of Electrical Engineering ( MingDa building)
        This is also a building for electrical engineering students, which is located near Keelung Road. It will be open soon. Some students and professors are going to move in the building. I heard that they plan to move in next Feburary. As you  imagined, it's also donated by one excellent alumni, the CEO of Benq and Auo KY Lee. I think it's the newest building in NTU campus so far.

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                        College of Electrical Engineering ( BL building)
        The building, whcih was donated by the CEO of Quanta Company BL Lin, is located in the east of NTU. There are many labs and researchers inside. If you have opportunity to visit it, you may see high technology anywhere. I guess that it must take more than 5 million to institute a normal lab. My lab called Digital Communication System lab is located on the fifth floor. The door is always open for you. Welcome!!

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