目前分類:事前準備 (23)
- Oct 19 Thu 2006 23:19
- Jun 22 Thu 2006 16:50
Some useful words:
1.indirin = discount
2.çok pahali = very expensive
- Jun 16 Fri 2006 13:53
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic and itsfirst President, stands as a towering figure of the 20th Century. Among the great leadersof history, few have achieved so much in so short period, transformed the life of a nationas decisively, and given such profound inspiration to the world at large.
Emerging as a military hero at the Dardanelles in 1915, he became the charismaticleader of the Turkish national liberation struggle in 1919. He blazed across the worldscene in the early 1920s as a triumphant commander who crushed the invaders of hiscountry. Following a series of impressive victories against all odds, he led his nation tofull independence. He put an end to the antiquated Ottoman dynasty whose tale had lastedmore than six centuries - and created the Republic of Turkey in 1923, establishing a newgovernment truly representative of the nation's will.
As President for 15 years, until his death in 1938, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk introduced abroad range of swift and sweeping reforms - in the political, social, legal, economic, andcultural spheres - virtually unparalleled in any other country.
His achievements in Turkey are an enduring monument to Atatürk. Emerging nationsadmire him as a pioneer of national liberation. The world honors his memory as a foremostpeacemaker who upheld the principles of humanism and the vision of a united humanity.Tributes have been offered to him through the decades by such world statesmen as LloydGeorge, Churchill, Roosevelt, Nehru, de Gaulle, Adenauer, Bourguiba, Nasser, Kennedy, andcountless others. A White House statement, issued on the occasion of "The AtatürkCentennial" in 1981, pays homage to him as "a great leader in times ofwar and peace". It is fitting that there should be high praise for Atatürk, anextraordinary leader of modern times, who said in 1933: "I look to the world withan open heart full of pure feelings and friendship".
- Jun 15 Thu 2006 01:29
In the last month AIESEC in Turkey has proved the global organization and make its Globality turn into action with variety of the international cooperation and projects. One of those cooperations is with AIESEC in TAIWAN . Taiwan is a small island at the very east of the world Map with 22,500,000 population, in the time zone GMT+8 J , where officially people speak Mandarin language and believe in Religions Buddhism, Taoism and/or Confucianism.
And Turkey, where we live is in the opposite direction, located as a bridge between Europe and Asia ,in the time zone GMT +2 with nearly 75,000,000 population, where the official language is Turkish and majority of people believe in Muslim but also diversity of Religions like Christianity , Judaism and diversity of lot's of ethnic groups live together.
Both of those countries are living in a harmony with all these diverse characters . And this Year they will come together to explore each others Harmony and turn it into Unity of Diversity.
- Jun 10 Sat 2006 01:18
- Jun 07 Wed 2006 09:25
AIESEC Turkey Trip
23-24-25 June
- Jun 01 Thu 2006 17:42
中華民國觀光局 (02)23491635 劉先生
新竹縣文化局 李課長 可能索取的資料:書籤、客家文化簡介
- May 30 Tue 2006 23:56
- May 30 Tue 2006 01:15
Merhaba = Hello
Selam = Hi
Günaydin = Good morning
Tesekkur ederim = Thank you
- May 29 Mon 2006 13:03
Teaching Materials Suggestion
The main goal: Through the exchange program, let Turkish children know and learn the Taiwan culture. We’ll try to help them learning the difference between Turkey and Taiwan. By experiencing our culture, they might fulfill their own life.
Topic One: Holiday
Topic Two: Geography
- May 28 Sun 2006 21:10
- May 26 Fri 2006 00:33
The plan of traineeship
Part one: What I should prepare for
1. Culture台灣文化
-Contents: Hakka, Puppet shows, Night market, Delicious food, Taipei 101, C.K.S memorial hall, Jade Mountain , National palace museum.
-Where to get: AIESEC, Tourism Bureau, friends, MRT, Internet, Local government
- May 26 Fri 2006 00:28
3.另外,被閒置或被擺爛的可能性是會有的,這時請努力的溝通 ~~ 大家要自力自強
- May 25 Thu 2006 23:59
Welcome to @food 網路美食坊http://www.afood.com.tw/index.php3
- May 25 Thu 2006 21:49
土耳其貿易辦事處:台北市基隆路1段333號19樓1905室 (02)2757-7318。
駐土耳其代表處 (台北駐安卡拉經濟文化代表團)
- May 11 Thu 2006 00:48
2. http://www.ezfly.com/ EzFly on-line
3. http://www.liontravel.com/1tkt/index.asp Lion Travel
4. http://www.zuji.com.tw Zuji
5. http://www.webticket.com.tw/ Web ticket
- May 08 Mon 2006 22:23