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最近在看藍白拖的新書《走慢點 才是快》,其中有一篇標題特別有趣,他說:「活在當下,就不要活在當下。」
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喜歡慢活,喜歡停留在某個城市,悉心體會人們散發出來的魅力,於是,我跟著感覺走,走進大街小巷,開始紀錄故事。 旅行,豐富生命,也讓我看到不一樣的世界軌跡。
以自身經驗來說,本身寫程式,卻意外接觸文學,而有了作家身分,於是很多人問我,工程師這麼忙了,為何還要做這些事情,我回答:「這是一段記錄自己成長的過程!」 而且「有些事情是有時效性的,錯過之後可能無法再重來!」
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All of us are TRAVEL LOVERS. The old focus of travel is to call up a travel agency, fly from place A to place B, and have fun. Citiport is to bring forth the new concept of travelling, that is to experience local cultures, which is only made possible with interactions with locals. This is what the normal travel websites lack of.
Citiport has more: a more holistic view than the usual travel websites.
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畢業於交大資工系的陳衍翰,學生時代就曾自創線上KTV網站「樂浪島」,但受到唱片版權問題拖累,不久後只好關閉網站。後來他第二次創業,成立 MeWorks,幫助中小企業主架設網站,以拆帳做為主要營收來源,終於開始有了收入。第二次創業的獲利,讓陳衍翰有了一筆資金,可三度創業成立 Citiport網站。
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I like to travel and to see the different cultures; therefore, I plan my personal trip to other countries every year. I went to Beijing this summer vacation. It was an interesting experience, because I met some friends and tasted traditional Beijing food and snacks. I stayed in Beijing for around two weeks. The following are some advices for those people who want to visit Beijing in the future.
To begin with, preparing yourself to go on a trip is extremely important. For instance, before visiting Beijing, you have to do some research, such as: Food, time zone, currency, and hotels; and make your schedule. It would be wise to make reservations for hotels on the Internet, because Beijing is too large, as a visitor, it is easy to get lost. If you carry a big luggage, arriving at the hotel directly will be a good choice for you.
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Several weeks ago, I came back from Beijing. Apparently I'm a tourist; however, I'm a local citizen in fact. I behaved like local people. For example, I went to KTV with my friends. I took buses and rode a bicycle there. I also ate lunch in the student restaurants and played basketball with them. "Seeing is believing", as a proverb said. I took two weeks to "see" their lifestyle and wrote down this article.
First of all, I have to say that Beijing is better than what I imagined. Of course every city has its deficiency. The drawback of Beijing is the human quality and morality. There are too many people lived and worked in Beijing. How can you ensure all of them are high-educated? Thus, the dirty and impoliteness are what we can guess. Luckily we still have clean roads to walk. Maybe the government set some policies to keep clean for the sake of Olympic Games. Also, my friend told me the real Beijing people are very friendly and kind. It is the floating population that is damaging Beijing citizen's reputation.
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The Summer Palace, Yiheyuan in Chinese, is the most celebrated imperial garden in China. The garden came into existence early in the 1750s and had once been a summer resort for the emperors. According to Wikipedia, It covers an expanse of 2.9 square kilometers, three quarters of which is water, including more than 3,000 buildings, such as halls, pavilions, towers and so on. The central Kunming Lake covering 2.2 square kilometers was entirely man made and the excavated soil was used to build Longevity Hill. Thus, Summer Palace used to be called the Garden of Clear Ripples.
I only visited three important tourist spots during my Beijing trip. One of them is the summer palace. As we know, Yiheyuan is one of world heritages. It conserves many historical buildings and attracts plenty of tourists every day. Also, it's very close to Peking University. So I visited there with my friends in PKU. There are three stories I want to share with everyone.
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"Seeing is believing." This is an old proverb. For a general person, it's like a normal sentence. But for a Taiwanese, the sentence is more important than others. Why? We have read many Chinese historical stories and articles, but we can't see them.
When I was a junior high school student, I read Qin Shi Huang's stories. He is the first emperor of a united China. As the ruler of Qin dynasty, he issued many controversial policies, most notably the great wall of China. It is a series of sandstone and earthen fortifications, built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 5th century BC and the 16th century The main function is to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire. The building is kind of miracle in architecture history. Thus, visiting the great wall is my first wish during my Beijing trip.
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For me, Hong Kong is a place where use the same Chinese characters but different pronunciation. Everything looks similar, but there are four features I want to share with you all.
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Keelung is my hometown, the place I live, the harbor I see, the rain I feel.
I like Keelung because of the harbor and the sea. When I was young, I liked to walk along the harbor side. I looked the ships and dreamed that I will take the ship to anywhere I want. I still remember that there was one big ship called StarCruise. Many tourists took it and traveled on the ocean. Their destination was Okinawa. Everytime I saw this ship, I felt very happy. I hope one day I can go abroad and see the world.
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