「想,就勇敢去做吧!」這不是一句口號,而是一個夢想。十年的旅行生活,走過美國、歐洲、中東及亞洲各國,留下了超過一千篇文章,五萬張照片以及近百萬字的字跡。從國際志工、交換學生、馬祖服役、海外出差及自助旅行,這是成長的軌跡,也是謙卑的學習。世界很大,海很藍,趁著年輕去旅行吧! 粉絲團: 轉個彎旅行

We played "AIESEC Rock" in Taiwan
We played "AIESEC Rock" in Turkey

"AIESEC Rock" is a representative roll call in Taiwan AIESEC. As we know, roll call is the calling of the names of people from a list to determine the presence or absence of the listed people. In AIESEC culture, the conference president will ask different local committees to do a special "Roll Call". Similarly, when we joined any international conference, the president will ask different countries to do their "Roll Call".

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Here is a new function on my blog now.

Email subscription is a service provided by FeedBurner. As we know, there are too many articles on different websites. If you don't have free time to check them all, then you may lose some interesting information. Therefore, some platforms, such as Hemidemi, provide so-called "Bookmark" function, whcih means you can collect your favorite blogs and the platform will update for you automatically. 

Nowedays, some people may think applying for a new account is a little difficult or complicated for them. Accordingly, FeedBurner design and provide a new service, Email Subscription. If you fill in your email address, then it will send you a verification message. After you click the link, you can receive new articles on the website next time. You needn't to spend time on looking every useful blog. How interesting!

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Quoted from http://www.istanbulstreetstyle.com/event/galataspace.php

Galataspace: Open air entertainment under the stars!
This summer there is a new fantastic space open for activities, events and relaxation. Operated by the fine friends at
Tunel Art, it is situated in an old factory just next to Galata Tower.

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Where is Czech Republic? I think some Taiwanese will ask me this question. Czech is a country located in eastern Europe. If my guess is correct, Czech Republic had diplomatic relations with Taiwan before. Therefore, maybe some people know its name.

On the middle among us is Jaroslav, who met in Istanbul. He belonged to AIESEC Prague and had been a ceeder(AIESEC noun) in Turkey.He was our dormmate, so we know each other very well. I still remember many things happened in Turkey. Because our periods are almost the same, we joined many activities together, such as Nagiele(Waterpie), club, and meeting. 

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