「想,就勇敢去做吧!」這不是一句口號,而是一個夢想。十年的旅行生活,走過美國、歐洲、中東及亞洲各國,留下了超過一千篇文章,五萬張照片以及近百萬字的字跡。從國際志工、交換學生、馬祖服役、海外出差及自助旅行,這是成長的軌跡,也是謙卑的學習。世界很大,海很藍,趁著年輕去旅行吧! 粉絲團: 轉個彎旅行

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                                                                                                             吳孟霖 撰文



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        Near Taipei 101, there is one special building catched up many people's eyes. After 188s Taipei 101 firework show, some people also shot off fireworks on the top of building and it took longer time than Taipei 101's. Therefore, somebody called it "Taipei 102". To be honest, I don't know its real name, but I like its style characteristic. Don't you think it's very beautiful?

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             Taipei 101, whose official name is Taipei Financial Centre, is the tallest building in the world so far. It was designed by C.Y.Lee and partners and constructed by KTRT Joint Venture. Taipei 101's roof was completed on July 1,2003 and then opened for visitors. Since it completely built, it has been the most famous landmark in Taipei. There is also firewrok show every new year's eve. In 2007, more than 400,000 people came and enjoyed the happy moment tigether, so was I. I took some pictures from different ways and selected the four better ones. It was really crowded at that night. However, I still feel very worthy of seeing the firework show. The firework is instant but the meaning will exist forever. 

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A new year, 2007, is coming.Some people might ask you what your new plan is.Before I answer the question, I'd like to review my last year, 2006, first.

I think I had a totally different life.I graduated from NCTU and went to Turkey within two months. Then, I entered NTU and began a new study TOUR. It seems like a normal student. I have to go
to school and have summer vacation on July and August. However, the most different thing is that I know how to record my life. Writing and photograph are my useful tools. If you are free to visit my blog, then you can find many articles and photos on it. I don't know why I did it. Just a passion encourages me to do those things. I like the feeling of share, because I know Giving is

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“未来的历史学家会说,这个世纪最重要的事情不是技术或网络的革新,而是…人将拥有选择。” 彼得‧杜拉克



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        2006.12.28吳孟霖 整理

    未來的歷史學家會說,這個世紀最重要的事情不是技術或網路的革新,而是人將擁有選擇。 彼得‧杜拉克




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