「想,就勇敢去做吧!」這不是一句口號,而是一個夢想。十年的旅行生活,走過美國、歐洲、中東及亞洲各國,留下了超過一千篇文章,五萬張照片以及近百萬字的字跡。從國際志工、交換學生、馬祖服役、海外出差及自助旅行,這是成長的軌跡,也是謙卑的學習。世界很大,海很藍,趁著年輕去旅行吧! 粉絲團: 轉個彎旅行
日本語能力試験 2005年

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Today I joined a really International Seminar, which was held by the Lung Yingtai Cultural Foundation. It attracted around 200 listeners there, including 50 foreigners from different countries. I was very impressive of such a “Globalization” and the topic, A German/Swiss Perspective, today. There were two speakers and one moderator in the seminar. One was Jürgen from German Cultural Center and another was Hans-Peter from the Trade Office of Swiss Industries. Then, the moderator was Professor Lung fromTsing Hua University. I wrote an abstract and some comments from this seminar. If you have some feedback, please feel free to share with me. I’d like to know it. 

 Regards as the speech, I have three comments according to their opinions today. First, it’s about German’s identity of their country. The German director told us that German is very proud of their culture. In particular, the patriotism has become very popular since world cup 2006. They hanged their national flags on the street during the match season. Some people were so touched by the scene because their really “German” was back. Compared to Taiwan , it seems much similarity. Our baseball pitcher, Mr. Wang, won 19 games in the MLB (Major League Baseball). We are also very proud of his achievement. Some people even went to the U.S  to support him. If you can’t go to the U.S., you might watch the sportscasts in front of TVs. If you can understand the feeling, then you will know why German was crazy about the World Cup. Therefore, I agree the German Speaker’s sharing. It can help us to find our Patriotism. 

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