「想,就勇敢去做吧!」這不是一句口號,而是一個夢想。十年的旅行生活,走過美國、歐洲、中東及亞洲各國,留下了超過一千篇文章,五萬張照片以及近百萬字的字跡。從國際志工、交換學生、馬祖服役、海外出差及自助旅行,這是成長的軌跡,也是謙卑的學習。世界很大,海很藍,趁著年輕去旅行吧! 粉絲團: 轉個彎旅行
104人力銀行公關經理方光瑋 口述 
1. 今天的求職者應該知道「自己就是主角」,當別人認為你比自己想像的還有價值時,就要順著市場改變自己。用諾貝爾經濟學獎得主John Nash的話來說:「我的一切都是為了你,你是我存在的理由,你是我一切的理由。」而那個你就是公司。

2. 人生最大的悲哀,是美夢成真時卻不懂得喜悅,因此在求職前,必須先搞清楚自己的目標,了解什麼是比找工作更重要的工作。台大校友邱文友曾經說過一句話:「勇敢的尋夢人:我寧可過勞死,也不願意八十歲時才發現很多事情沒有做。」這句話並非鼓勵大家以工作為重,而是了解自己對工作的意義。

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I met two friends, Hiro and Mio, in Kyoto University. We met each other in the AIESEC study tour in Taiwan two and half a years ago. I was very happy to meet them again. Especially, when I heard that they will graduate from school soon, I felt we become older and mature. Although we still talked about many good memories, we knew that the new responsibility is coming. I believe that we will meet each other again in the future and next time our topic will become totally different.

After eating lunch together, they left us and went to the library. Yukiko and NoSo showed me other buildings inside campus. There were many classrooms and offices inside the building. I also visited their club discussion room and took some photos. I liked the atmosphere in Kyoto University. Because it’s very historical, I found that there were many old-style architectures surrounded us. To be honest, it’s a little similar to my school, National Taiwan University. Maybe they were all built by the same Japanese architects.

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The third person is Nozomi, but we often call her nickname, No-So. She studies her sophomore year in Kyoto University now. Actually, this is also my first time to meet her. She told me that she had been to Taiwan before and met some MCLC members. That’s the reason why she wanted to meet me in Kyoto. We discussed a lot of beautiful spots in Taiwan, such as Taipei101, National Palace Museum. It seemed that she just came back from Taipei yesterday.

Yutaka, Yukiko and she became my tour guide during my trip in Kyoto. Yukiko is another second-grade student. She had visited MCLC in Taiwan last year. That’s so-called study tour program, which is a connection between Kyoto University and Ming-Chuang University. They have the traditional exchange program to visit each other every year, so Yukiko went to Taiwan. I’m very happy to meet her in Kyoto again. The feeling is very special and familiar.

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        I’d been to Japan with my family four years ago. I still remember the beautiful scenery and nice people there. Clean streets and polite waiters were my first impressions on Japan and Japanese. However, I didn’t know any Japanese at that moment. The only contacting way among us is smile and gesture. During this winter vacation, I went to Japan again. The first impression on my mind was the same, but the environment was changed. I went backpacking by myself in poor Japanese this time.

Kyoto is one of the historical cities in the world and had been to the capital of Japan for hundreds of years. Osaka is the second biggest city in Japan. Everyday more than ten millions people work or travel in this region. Kobe port is the first open harbor in Japan. You can find many exotic buildings there. The above cities are very close to each other and have different features. Therefore, they become my destined places to visit. 

         I arrived at Osaka JR station at 3pm on Feb. 3rd. Aya is the fist person I met during the Japan trip. I met her in APLDS (Asia-Pacific Leadership Development Seminar) in Taiwan at 2004. She was a Japanese delegate in the conference. Then, I met her again in Turkey half a year ago. She joined AIESEC short-term traineeship and so did I. We felt very intimate not only because we met in Taiwan before, but also there are less Asian people in Turkey. Suddenly, “the world is too small” comes to my mind.

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有一種旅行,方法很貧窮,卻可以改變人的一生。這種旅行,西方從16世紀末傳承至今;中國卻已失落數百年。那就是Grand Tour──壯遊。培養獨自「闖」的能力,才能開創個人與國家的競爭力。

去年十一月中旬,英國《泰晤士報》以超過十萬英鎊(約合新台幣六百四十萬元)的代價,掛名贊助英國「空檔年大展」(The Gap Year Show)。


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My traineeship was worthwhile to a fairly large extent. However, mine was a volunteer development traineeship and so my answer is quite different in nature to that which you're likely to receive from a management trainee. You can probably recall, I worked at TEGV the educational NGO.

The traineeship was quite well organized. Yet I received little information prior to my arrival about what I'd be doing, where, how and whether I'd need to prepare. The work was enjoyable, the people very hospitable yet the actual work was a little unstructured and I was certainly not given much opportunity to truly benefit from the experience by working with responsibilities etc. But as a Development traineeship it went fairly well.

From an accommodation point of view it was very good. My host family was very generous and hospitable, yet alarm was raised when it was revealed that AIESEC had not contract with the family protecting the trainee.

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        In general I feel that Taiwanese people are very friendly and willing to help you out in any way that they could. Whenever you need something they are willing to help you get it or they even offer their help when you don’t need anything. They are very proud of their country and especially their foods. For instance, they like to have foreigners taste stinky tofu, bubble milk tea and all the types of night market food. They also love to collect things and think everything is “cute.” They are also very trendy and like to look stylish and cool. Taiwanese people work very hard so sometimes I feel that they don’t really get a chance to enjoy their lives a bit more. 
        Also, sometimes I feel like they don’t really express all of their emotions. For instance, if they are angry they won’t tell you. For me, that is a bit of a problem because if someone is angry I would like to know why and how I can help them with their problem. Overall, Taiwanese people have been very welcoming and nice to me. My parents also expressed how nice they were treated when they visited Taiwan.
Abner Montoya Canada

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